Structure Designing

  1. Expertise in designing RCC, Steel and Pre-stressed Concrete Structures.
  2. Staff experienced in designing multi-storeyed structures, large span structures and projects varied in nature, size and complexity.
  3. Structural systems like conventional beam slab, flat slab, waffle slabs, steel beams, portals, open web elements, trusses and lattice are conceptualized with due consideration given to safety, economy, practicality and aesthetics.
  4. Structural Analysis is carried out using proven and widely accepted software like CSI ETABS, SAFE & STAAD Pro.
  5. Our designs confirm to Bureau of Indian Standards for RCC, Structural steel, Seismic & wind loads.
  6. All our designs and drawings are pre-reviewed internally and externally by senior engineers & architects to ensure accuracy and quality.


  1. Selection of suitable site for construction of Dams, conceptual plan, Preliminary Alignment, Final location survey, study of catchments, Hydrology and Land information system for submergence including preparation of comprehensive database for horizontal & vertical controls, ownership details, profiles and utilities.
  2. Stability analysis for existing Dams, Hydraulic study for dam appurtenant structures, review of various mechanical components such as head regulator, sluice gate, Under Water Videography including leak detection and turnkey solutions for arresting leakage.
  3. Hydrological and Hydrogeological investigations, Study of high floods level, Geotechnical investigation and Geological mapping.
  4. Detailed designs for sub structure, super structure including gates, preparation of construction drawings including technical assistance at the time of construction.

Water Supply

  1. Identification of source for ensuring sustainable water supply scheme both in terms of quality and quantity.
  2. Estimation of total Water requirement and also projection for the future expansion/development.
  3. Site selection, investigation and detailed design for a suitable intake structure including preparation of construction drawings and Bill of Quantities (BOQ).
  4. Feasibility study, Route selection including optimisation for Raw water pipeline, Detailed survey & investigation, Designs, Preparation of construction drawings and BOQ.
  5. Planning and Designs of distribution network for urban requirements, industrial requirement including Pumping Mains, Ground Level Tanks (GLTs), Elevated Water Tanks (EWTs), Preparation of construction drawings, BOQ and Tender documents.
  6. Project Management Consultancy Services (PMC) for construction of intake structures, raw water pipeline, GLT, EWT and Distribution network involving Quality Monitoring, Progress Monitoring, Certification of bills and close out reports.

Water Management

  1. Investigation and Mapping for command area development on various scales.
  2. Detailed Planning, investigation, survey and design of network of main canal, branch, distributaries, minor and sub minors including C-Planning and Micro network planning.
  3. Detailed designs for all the structures such as Cross Regulators, Head Regulators, Culverts, Siphon, Viaduct and Aqueduct.
  4. Land plan schedule to acquire the land for construction of canals.
  5. Preparation of detailed project report for major river water diversion projects (Trans Basin), lift irrigation schemes including preliminary planning, layouts, cost estimates and preparation of Tender documents.
  6. Project Management Consultancy (PMC) services to monitor quality, physical & financial progress, certification of bills including close out report.
  7. Canal Corridor Asset Management - Development of Irrigation Inventory management to support O&M which includes Canal Alignment, Base Map, Revenue/Cadastral details and Engineering Reports. A user-friendly GIS application to manage data by way of easy retrieval, analysing and reporting from database.
  8. Watershed Development under Bellary district - Designed GIS based watershed management solution, which also included training to end-users. Main analysis of this solution includes identifying water potential zones and action plan for recharge of water table.

Project Management Consulting

Our services include,
1. Planning
2. Scheduling
3. Monitoring
4. Quality Control
5. Cost Control
6. Resource Management
7. Quantity Measurements
8. Bill Certifications
9. Risk Management
10. Reporting


Our construction team is been set with dedicated professionals who bring the latest advances in construction to every project in making to find its way to minimize waste and maximize the use of time, labour, and materials.

Bricklink’s commitment to quality, safety and support has led to great relationships and business from clients in this field.